Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Its gonna be Awesome....

Ok so if your reading this then you may have noticed its all been re-done and yes for the best :)
I am going to using this blog more and more and hopefully it will grow to be something huge.

You will of course still find all the latest news about my company and cosmetics, and all my contests will still be held here but im going to be bringing in some guest bloggers, post more tutorials makeup & nails. And i cant forget about my other passion cooking and food. So as you can see if you like makeup, girly things, glitter, and food your gonna want to live here. lol

If your interested in being a guest blog let me know. Or if you would like a advertisment spot get with me now because as my blog grows spots will be limited and cost $10 per month.
Also i welcome all of your questions, comments, ect. And if you want to see me do a particular tutorial or review just let me know.