Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Back to School

So for many families its that time of year again. You know when the bags under your eyes, the grey hairs, the countless migraines, and the high pitched echos in your house all seem to fade a way. Yup thats right back to school time. Dont get me wrong i love my kiddos more than anything and do value the time i have with them. However i will value it even more when they go to school for 7 or so hours a day. lol

Now as i sit here and ponder on what im going to do with all that extra time (since my youngest will be starting preschool full day) it hits me, no not the hello kitty dolls flying a cross the room but the fact that there is no extra time but there is peace and quiet. And thats enough for me. So in between running errands, doing house work, managing 2 full time businesses and all the other stuff i will be waiting patiently for my 2 rambunctious, high energy, and utterly adorable kids to return home.

How are you all going to spend your time? Are all your kiddos in school?