I got a great review over at 3G and im doing a giveaway there as well. One lucky lady (or guy i guess) will get a soy tart pack from yours truly. All you have to do is go to my review on the 3girls blog
http://3girlsreviews.blogspot.com/2010/12/abigails-boutique-designs-sadies-review.html and fan my facebook page their page my blog their blog or whatever you want to do to show some love (i like cupcakes) lol and then your automatically entered to win. And if you send me cupcakes then you get a 100 extra entries hahaha no really i wish i could do that but the more ways you show some love the more entries you get and if you make a purchase from my etsy shop you will get 5 extra entries.

Now for the fine details: The soy tart melt pack will be randomly selected by me but don't worry it will be yummy non the less. I will send your melt pack via first class mail however if you would like it mailed any other way such as priority then the shipping difference is on you.
Have a great day and be sure to come back and visit me and all my yummy goodness on this blog. like cupcakes :)