Friday, December 9, 2011

OOTD - Girls Night - Drag Bar

So this is late but i thought it was to cute not to post. Me and one of my best friends (Randomosity) went to a drag show for girls night a few weeks ago. I don't go out much but people always ask me what i wear or how i did my make up ect so it thought it would be fun to blog about it since its a little to late for a video.

I wore this fun bright sweater, boot cut jeans with a shimmer effect, a belt & hot buckle boots. The sweater, belt and boots came from Dots & the jeans on clearance at Torrid. Outfit = $65

For the makeup i used a bright blue on the inner corner, followed with a smokey grey/silver in the outer v to crease. Topped with a silvery white shimmer on the brow bone. Black liner, mascara and a bright green on the lower lash line.

Hot Mama.....

Finished it off with a nude lip 001 by revlon. ( I think)