Wednesday, December 7, 2011

12 Days of Christmas Giveaway - Day 7

Thought i would switch it up a bit this time and add in something new before we get to more makeup. So here we go....

On the 7th day of christmas Abby-Girl gave to me a caribbean coconut: sugar scrub, soy melt, & hello kitty soap.

Hello KittySugar Glow Body Polish
Soy Tart PackHow's that for awesomeness. lol

Comment below with what eye tutorial i should do next 2 points
Comment below with what your favorite fragrance is from my shop 2 points
Comment below with what new fragrance i should carry in the new year 2 points
BONUS: Create a look using only the colors in the above pictures and tag me in it on facebook by midnight friday dec. 9th. 6 Points