Tuesday, December 6, 2011

12 ays of Christmas Giveaway - Day 6

Wow i cant believe we are half way through the giveaway. I hope you all are really excited about the prizes so far. I just wanted to give you all a heads up on who's in the lead. Don't worry there will be ways to earn more points so its still any ones game. Elena is in the lead right now with 29 points since she took advantage of earning those 10 extra points for making me a video. Close behind is Lucy with 19 points. And in 3rd place we have RJ with 17 points. You all can go back and earn points for things you didn't do as of right now but some of the next couple days may have time limit things so read carefully :)

I gotta mix it up on ya and keep it fun lol. Ok here we go.

On the 6th day of christmas Abby-Girl gave to me a 3 piece mini nail polish set from profusions cranky girlz line.

Comment on what nail art tutorial you would like to see me do next 1 point
Comment on what your favorite nail polish color is 1 point
BONUS POINTS: Re-create on of my nail art designs and post it to my FB wall 10 points. Must be posted by Thursday Dec.8