Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Home from work

Thanks for the article from Jermaine Haynes

There’s nothing like getting home from work and sinking into my fluffy Pottery Barncouch once and for all. I love the idea around 4:00 of getting home and cracking open a bottle of wine and ordering out Thai food and sometimes I even like to turn on my DirectStarTv and find a good chick flick to take my mind off of work. It sure is nice living by myself and not having to worry that a roommate or boyfriend is going to want to use the TV or vacuum or have a part or something! My favorite time of night is around 8:00 when I realize I’m totally relaxed and ready to go to sleep but I know I don’t have to yet – that’s a good feeling. There’s nothing like having no responsibilities but taking out the dog and cleaning up the take out for the next day and that’s why I like to keep my social life to the weekends! Who wants to go out when they can come home and snuggle all night?