Monday, August 1, 2011

Color of the Week: Lollipop (8/1/11-8/7/11)

Ok as soon as the name generator picked lollipop for this weeks color of the week the adverb song from school house rock popped in to my head so now you can have it in yours to while you go buy this beautiful pigment.

Lolly lolly lolly get your adverbs here.......
Im sure you all know the rest cause i sure do. lol

  Anyway whats the deal with the color of the week you ask. Well let me tell you...

Every week i will randomly choose a color from my line of mineral eyeshadow pigments and offer it to you for a deeply discounted price. Just $3.00 (normally $5.00).
Each 5 gram jar contains a sifter and is shrink wrapped and labeled with ingedients, website, name, ect.

I hope you enjoy getting the pigments at this discounted rate and make sure you check back each week to see if you can snag your on sale.